Middlesex County

Located in the heart of southwestern Ontario, Middlesex County is a top choice for agriculture investment. Its fertile soil and ideal agricultural climate have established the county as a well-known and desirable hub of successful farming communities. The region is bisected by major transportation routes that provide convenient access to urban centres on both side of the 49th parallel, as well as proximity to cutting edge research and technology firms. Modern developments including, alternative and clean energy fuels, precision farming, biotechnology, robotics, GIS mapping, and automation are all utilized in farming operations in the county, giving Middlesex farmers their competitive edge. Though it serves as a hub for rapid agricultural innovation, Middlesex is better known for its gorgeous wide-open landscapes, lush green forests, and a county charm that could only be described as classic. It boasts traditional agricultural products, including corn, soybeans, swine, poultry, and dairy as its mainstay agricultural commodities and also features a myriad of successful vegetables farms. All in all, Middlesex county has the perfect mix of ingredients for your both your agribusiness and your family to thrive.

Real Estate Statistics

Average Price $1.9M
Lowest Price $425K
Highest Price $15M
Total Listings 120
Avg. Price/SQFT $80.2K

Property Types (active listings)


Middlesex County

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